Yesterday, I was a bird, flying through the grey skies.
Tomorrow, I will become a worm, crawling through hidden tunnels in the earth.
Today I am the lion, majestic and proud, ruler of the farstretching plains.
Yesterday, I had a friend who cared about me.
Tomorrow, I might have someone to hold, someone to love.
But today, I stand alone.
Yesterday, I hurt. I had a longing in my heart.
Tomorrow, I will not hurt anymore, for i will not be alone anymore.
But today I feel nothing, for i am but an empty shell of a man.
Yesterday, I was born into this world, free of sin and pride.
Tomorrow, I will die in preparation to be born again.
But today, I breathe, my heart beats life through my veins as i look at you.
Yesterday, I did not know you, I could not imagine the feeling of you near me.
Tomorrow, you will be gone, missed by many, but missed by me far above all others.
But today, it is only you and me, and i ask you if i can hold you for a while.
Yesterday is what was.
Today is what may be.
But today, that is the day i want you to be mine, so forget everything else for a while, and come with me..
Tomorrow, I will become a worm, crawling through hidden tunnels in the earth.
Today I am the lion, majestic and proud, ruler of the farstretching plains.
Yesterday, I had a friend who cared about me.
Tomorrow, I might have someone to hold, someone to love.
But today, I stand alone.
Yesterday, I hurt. I had a longing in my heart.
Tomorrow, I will not hurt anymore, for i will not be alone anymore.
But today I feel nothing, for i am but an empty shell of a man.
Yesterday, I was born into this world, free of sin and pride.
Tomorrow, I will die in preparation to be born again.
But today, I breathe, my heart beats life through my veins as i look at you.
Yesterday, I did not know you, I could not imagine the feeling of you near me.
Tomorrow, you will be gone, missed by many, but missed by me far above all others.
But today, it is only you and me, and i ask you if i can hold you for a while.
Yesterday is what was.
Today is what may be.
But today, that is the day i want you to be mine, so forget everything else for a while, and come with me..